Marquis Collection
Crystal is not your ordinary run of the mill crystal but certainly a beautiful suite of patterns. The beauty of Marquis is a combination of cutting with uprights and rings being the main feature on most of the giftware put out by Waterford Crystal in Ireland. The crystal giftware comes in all types, including Clocks, Candlesticks, Picture Frames, Bowls, Vases, Stemware, Barware and much more. They even have special Marquis Fountain Pens by Waterford. Well worth checking out!

The price difference is also very noticeable, being approx one third of the regular Waterford Crystal. The reason for this price reduction is the composition of the crystal. Regular Waterford Crystal is made up of 33% red lead oxide, potash and silica (sand) whereas Marquis by Waterford is made of 24% lead oxide, which by American and European standards is considered full lead crystal

Buy Direct From Waterford Here.Marquis Collection

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