Now There is a way to remove chips from your Waterford Crystal and Glassware. You don’t have to go to the expense of hiring a craftsman. You can do it yourself with this special Diamond Tool.

Before, you had to send out your Waterford Crystal and it would cost somewhere between $15 and $25 per stem + shipping to have the chip removed professionally.

This tool is made up of diamond particles that will smooth out the chip and make your Waterford Crystal usable again.

Product Description
A little chip in a crystal wine glass is no reason to throw it in the garbage. For a small investment, this Crystal Saver file fixes those sharp points and saves plenty of money in replacement costs. The 4-inch-long, half-round file is coated with a coarse grit of diamonds, one of the hardest known materials. As such, this file is hard enough to repair any delicate material, including other glassware, china, or ceramic goods. A few light strokes over the chip with the moistened file safely smoothes jagged edges. The round side takes care of dips in the glass or ceramic and the flat side sands down sharp corners. The file is embedded in a faceted faux-crystal 4-inch handle that is comfortable to hold during use. DMT claims that other imitations of this product are out there but they created the original and most effective.

Here is what one happy customer had to say ~
Great item – works very well. I’m already smoothing chipped edges for friends’ glassware & crystal since I finished repairing all of mine. This item will make your glassware usable so that you don’t worry about cuts on fingers & lips! Highly recommend!

Pick up your crystal repair tool here